Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Comedy of Errors & its entire Cast...

Starring me, myself, and I...I have long been convinced that my life is a set up. You know like the Truman Show, where one day I would start to notice the cameras and sets or by one unfortunate accident all the cameras and mics would fall before me and my suspicions about the people around me hasn't happened yet but I'm sure its coming.

And Action...
Friday Morning, I drag my ass out of bed even earlier than my usual 4 o'clock am ritual. Get dressed, bathed after my meditations and head out the house at 7:45 to get to a 9 am training - a ride that is usually 35- 40 minutes tops on the 5 train. Not this this train driver was driving Ms. Daisy and slower than Morgan Freeman could ever do it. Thus, the trip was 60 minutes and walking to my training I was in a good mood like "whatever, its Friday" bent the corner, climbed the stairs with a ready-for-the-day smile plastered across my face and a Good Morning on my lips only to be met with a "what a happened?" And I said "pardon?" "this is your second lateness its 9:11am- you're lucky I didn't give you a written warning" and all i could think is there are 5 of 50 people here- you're lucky my behind showed up and don't say another word because the visit will be short lived!

Fast fwd...
Back to Brooklyn and back to work, As I laid my jacket down and bounced toward my office door, I was filled with the countenance and warmth of the newly emergent sun after a depressingly long winter...and there he was looking like Black Hercules and I wanted to laugh because innately I always want to laugh when I meet people that appear overly self assured- its not a bad thing but just a funny thing. He is always so confident with his unibrow that it amazes me. I know very few people that can carry a unibrow off without a hitch but he had it whatever that extra thing is , he definitely emanated it on Friday. And there we were in full banter about the politics of blackness in America, new work, and random facts. I am writing this fully aware that you might think i like this guy but what i'm getting to is he thought so too. perhaps prematurely as i don't even know if that is true- so there I am in full banter when everything comes to an interesting halt as my socially awkward, curious for the sake of curiosity led inner ten year old emerges, he gives me this look that let's me know he thinks i am coming on to him and  I am thinking is he staring at my scars that is so rude(recently afflicted with a stress induced condition that left little scars on my lips and my ego semi-bruised). It took me a lil while to become present to the fact that the things that i'd asked could be misconstrued and by that time he was dropping me off at the train and an overwhelming feeling of weirdness washed over me.  I realize that sometimes i live in that space and it followed me-right into a dollar cab with four other people and manifested itself into a French West Indian woman 3 or 4 times my size that decided that even after the seat next to her became vacant, she was comfortable with half of her ass being on my lap and her huge frame forcing my body into the car was in that moment that the errors of the day became ever present and i wanted to push her fat ass to the floor of that cab...

The Credits...
 But settled for telling you this story and declaring that amidst a plethora more of Fat black french women (errors) I will keep on trucking because these comedic errors, awkward conversations, and unforeseen confrontations only add to the richness of my experience! Or atleast that's what i've sold myself on LOL!

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