Thursday, February 11, 2010


So its been particularly snowy in my part of the world lately, New York, D.C. and the vast majority of the North East of the United States has been hit really hard with a series of mini to monstrous blizzards but no this post is not about the weather....

It is however, about how my love life has seemingly imitated the weather...."its snowing men!" I recently decided to ease myself off of an approximately 8 month hiatus from dating. I swear the day after I made that resolution I began to be inundated by exes- they are like cockroaches they don't die! And much like Diane Carroll as Whitley's mother  on "A Different World" in the wedding episode when Dwayne Wayne interrupted her daughters impending marriage to Byron What's His Name I want to exclaim "DIE! JUST DIE! But they won't- its like they had a friggin' convention and decided that it was just time for them all to "Check on Me." Every dude  too- the  5 second boo,5 minute boo, 5 day boo, 5 week boo, 5 month boo, and 5 year vexation to the spirit!

"OOOOOOOh I haven't heard from you in a minute I'm just checking in!" My first thought - What the hell for? I ain't been checking in or up on you...'cause I can't allow your triflin ass to block my blessings anymore! But have I said that NO. and I see them moving me further and further away from my Byron What's His Name....What is a girl to do?!

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