Friday, March 19, 2010


In an attempt to re-acclimate myself to American culture after having been abroad, I decided to make an effort to watch college basketball this season.

I grew up playing basketball-- yes, Jess, that's how I got my broad shoulders (wink, wink). But I loved it. It was an outlet for me, a way to take out aggression, a mechanism to learn how to overcome obstacles and an activity that taught me leadership and teamwork.

As a Chicagoan born in the mid-80s, I also grew up watching one of the most legendary basketball teams. There was no way to avoid watching Michael Jordan and Scottie Pippen tear through multiple opponents to win six NBA titles. Watching these championships created some of my favorite childhood memories.

But having lived abroad for two and half years, my love for basketball faded. Though there was a good amount of basketball played in South Africa, it is not what it is here in the United States, and people do not follow the NBA or NCAA avidly. I watched more rugby matches than basketball games, a notion that sickens me a little bit now that I stop to think about it.

So here I am, a Georgetown alumna diving into March Madness once again. There is a well-balanced amount of tension and anticipation in the air. With a Syracuse alum for a brother, the excitement inside me builds and I can feel the competitive side of me awaken. Georgetown shows skill and potential in the Big East Tournament, and I begin to believe again.

And then we lose to Ohio University in the first round of the NCAA Tournament.

Feel the air being let out of your sails? The pop of a balloon?

No, that’s just the sinking of my heart. Or the force of a big fat Georgetown airball.

Working on My Fitness

About two weeks ago while procrastinating at my Assistantship I came across an article on Clutch Online Magazine that listed some excuses we come up with in regards to working out. While reading the list I noticed that I had used some of the excuses myself. In HS I thought of running track but after the first practice run I realized that my hair was more important. Next I thought of basketball but then realized that all the female players had to lift weights at practice and this resulted in some rather broad shoulders. This just isn't for me I thought.

Fast forward to Fall 2008, during my unemployment bid I noticed that my midsection was getting a bit soft. An observation that was later confirmed when my godsis came over and told me I looked fat. That very week we (her and I) signed up for our first Bikram Yoga class and I have been hooked ever since! For those of you who don't know, the class is 90 minutes long, consists of 26 postures, and the room is heated to about 105-110 degrees (note the hottest class I ever had was at 127 and it was brutal). What I probably like most about it is the fact that there is no talking, you literally get on your mat and zone the F out, not to mention the fact that its also a total body workout. Seeing as I didn’t have classes or work this week I made it a point to go as many times as I could, not only because I polished off a German Chocolate cake this past weekend but I also make it a point to make it as cost effective as possible (its the Haitian in me, I can't help this).

For anyone thinking of getting back into shape or spicing up their current workout routine you should definitely give Bikram a shot. Sure your hair might need a lot of TLC afterwards but think of the results

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