Wednesday, July 29, 2009

How to become a Face of mAmLtDaRt

Step 1: Take a picture or video of yourself in your mAmLtDaRt Tee.
-For a picture please attach a quote answering the question "Who do you aspire to be?"
-For the video please answer one of two questions "What is your style?"
or "Who do you Aspire to be ?"

Step 2: Email your picture/video to

Step 3: Take a deep breath this is the hardest...
WAIT 3 days
Go to
Go to the "Faces" Section
Click Enter and look for your face!

ASPIRATIONS: Tell us yours?

"I'm still trying to figure out who I aspire to be"- Erin

Melissa"I aspire to be a better entrepreneur, activist, and artist"-Melissa

"I aspire to be the best me I can be...a strong, sensitive, loving woman!"- Michele

I aspire to be god-Jaslike"-Jasmine

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